Cut mirchi

Ingredients :
Mirchi bajji  - 5 to 6
Tomatoes - 2 finely chopped
Onions - 2
Chat masala -  1 Teaspoon
Coriander leaves -  Handful
Lemon juice - 1 Tablespoon
Groundnut -  1 Tablespoon
Salt -   As needed

Method of preparation :
1.  Cut the mirchi bajji into small pieces including chillies too.
2. Cut the onions into small piece
3. Take a bowl , add the bajji pieces, then raw onion pieces and tomatoes, salt, fried groundnut,  chopped coriander leaves, lemon juice, chat masala.

Note :  Preparation of mirchi bajji is given in my recipes. You can find it, if you need the recipe.


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