Pala talikalu

Ingredients  :
Milk - 1/2 ltr
Jaggery  -  150 gms
Cardamom  powder - 1 Teaspoon
Cashew nuts - One Tablespoon
Kismiss - 1 Tablespoon
Rice flour -  150 gms
Ghee - 1 Tablespoon
Water - 1 Glass
Salt - One pinch

Method of preparation  :
1. Add water in a pan , pinch of salt, boil it for few secs,  add teaspoon ghee to the water,  then add rice flour cook it hike stirring it continuously, till it thickens.
2.  Make thin strips with the cooked rice flour, leave one tablespoon cooked rice flour.
3. Put a pan , add half glass water to it, add remaining cooked rice flour and stir it well.
4. Add milk to it, then rolled strips, cardamom powder, cook for few mins, add jaggery powder and switch off the stove.
5.  Add ghee to pan , fry cashew nuts and kismiss till they get golden colour, then add it to the pala talikalau.


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