Foxtail millet ( Korralu) sweet pongal

Ingredients :
Korralu ( Foxtail millet)  - 1 Glass
Jaggery -  100 gms
Cardamom powder - 1 Teaspoon
Moong dal -  1 Tablespoon
Cashew nuts -  1 Tablespoon
Kismiss - 1 Tablespoon
Ghee - 1 Tablespoon

Method of preparation :
1. Soak foxtail millet in water for 5 hours.
2. Cook it with water  by adding dry roasted moong dal to it.
3. Make jaggery syrup, by adding jaggery to water and boil it on the stove till it is done.
4. Add cooked foxtail millet to the syrup ,  add cardamom powder too, mix it well.
5. Roast cashew nuts and kismiss in ghee, till it gets golden brown colour.
6. Add it to the sweet Pongal.


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