Healthy drink

Raw turmeric - Handful
Ginger - 1 inch piece
Honey - 1 Tablespoon
Lemon juice - 1 Tablespoon

Method of preparation  :
1. Take a bowl add water,, then add raw turmeric  and ginger  pieces.
2. Boil it for 10 mins.
3. Strain the water and add honey and lemon juice.
4. If you take this early morning before having coffee or tea it is good for so any ailments.
5. It can be consumed frequently not daily , add pregnant ppl  or who are willing to go for kids should not use it.
6. It takes out toxins from the body and  good for heart health .
7. People  who are suffering with kidney related problems, prone for kidney stones can avoid it, whose general health is good can use it frequently.


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