Tender coconut ice cream ( Home made )

Ingredients  :
Coconut water  - 1 Small Cup
Coconut milk - 1 Small Cup
Milkmaid - 1/2 Tin
Powdered sugar - 1 Tablespoon
Full fat Cream - 1 Small Cup
Tender coconut meat - 1/2 Cup
Tender coconut pieces  - 1/ 2 Cup

Method of preparation  :
1. Take tender coconut water and tender coconut pieces , put in a mixi grinder and blend it into  a coarse paste.
2.  Take a bowl  add full cream and whip it  for few secs, add all the ingredients, milkmaid , powdered sugar,  coconut milk, tender coconut pieces.
3.  Keep it in freezer.
4. Take it out after 3, 4 hours , stir it and again keep it in freezer.
5. Do it for two times and it will become smoother, then you can enjoy the ice cream.


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