Bachali kura ( Basella or vein spinach or Malabar spinach) pachadi

Ingredients :
  • Bachali kura -  3 bunches
  • Coriander seeds, jeera , sesame seeds one teaspoon each.
  • Red chillies-3
  • Seasoning - Chana dal, urad dal, mustard seeds  one teaspoon each red chillies-2
  • Salt as per taste
  • Turmeric powder one pinch
  • Garlic pods optional
  • Tamarind little
  • Oil - 2 Teaspoons
 Method of preparation:
1.  Put a pan on the stove.
2. Add little oil and fry coriander seeds and jeera  and sesame seeds separately.
3. Take it out into a bowl and add leafy veg to the oil and let it fry for few secs.
4. Later make seasoning and mix all the ingredients into a mixi jar.
5. Add salt and turmeric powder too while grinding.

Nutritional values:  Malabar spinach contains vit A, vit C, iron, calcium protein, manganese, magnesium and potassium.


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