Semiya payasam

Ingredients :
Semiya - 1 Cup
Sugar - 1 Cup
Milk  - 1/2 ltr
Cardamom - 1 Teaspoon powder
Saffron - 2 strands
Cashew nuts and kismiss one tablespoon each
Ghee - 1 Tablespoon

Method of preparation  :
1. Put a bowl on the stove add milk and one glass of water and let it boil for few mins.
2. Fry Semiya in ghee , till it become golden yellow colour.
3. Soak saffron in milk and add it to the payasam.
4. Add sugar to the milk , then  add cardamom , lastly fried semiya to the milk.
5. Fry cashew and kismiss in ghee add it to the payasam.
6. You can add kova or Sago ( saggubiyyam) to the Kheer( payasam).


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