Vegetable salad

Ingredients :
Potato - 3
Capsicum  - 2
Onion - 2
Tomatoes  -2
Coriander leaves few
Groundnut ( soaked for few hours)
Green chillies - 2
Cucumber  - 1
Salt as per taste
Spring onion ( cut into small pieces , small bowl ful )
Sweet onion sauce.- 1 Tablespoon
Honey mustard sauce - 1 Tablespoon
Mayonnaise ( veg)  -2 Teaspoons
Pepper powder -1 Teaspoon
Italian seasoning - 1 Teaspoon

Method of preparation :
1.  Boil the potatoes and peel off the skin, and cut into small pieces.
2.  Cut capsicum, cucumber ( peeled)  into small pieces.
3. Chopthe onions and tomatoes.
4. Cut the coriander leaves and  green chillies.
5. Mix all the vegetables, add salt , pepper powder, sweet onion sauce, honey mustard sauce, mayonnaise ( veg),  Italian herbs.
6. Lastly add coriander leaves, spring onions ,mix all the ingredients and serve it  in a bowl.


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