
Ingredients :
Moong dal  - 1 Glass
Coconut - 1/2 ( Fresh one )
Sugar - 1 Glass
Ghee - 1 Small Cup
Cardamom powder one teaspoon
Oil for seasoning

Method of preparation :
1. Soak moongdal for one hour.
2. Make coconut into small pieces
3. Then add coconut and soaked moong dal , grind it to a paste.
4. Put a pan on the stove and add ghee, then the paste let it get cooked till it thickens,  it should not stick to your finger if you touch it add sugar too, the consistent should become like a halwa, keep it on the stove till halwa will not stick to the walls of the pan.
5. Then apply ghee to a plate and spread it , and cut into small pieces after it become cool.
6. Later put a pan , pour oil for deep frying ,  fry these pieces in the oil till it become golden  colour.


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