Mixed veg soup

Ingredients :
Carrot -2
Beans  - 4
Tomatoes -3
Coriander leaves few
Corn flour Optional (or One big potato)  -1 Teaspoon
Salt as per taste
Pepper powder
Water to boil the vegetables
Fresh green peas (Optional)
1. Clean all the vegetables with water , then peel the carrot , potato  and cut the vegetables into small pieces.
2. Boil the vegetables  and coriander leaves with water for few mins till the vegetables get cooked.
3. Then put a bowl on the stove add some water
4.  Make a fine paste of vegetables and add that to the water in the bowl.
5. Add salt and pepper  to the soup.
6. Can garnish with fresh cream on top of the soup while serving.
7.  You can cut the bread into small pieces and fry them in ghee , then add them while serving the soup.
8. Can mix your choice of vegetables to the soup.
9. It is better to have soup by not using corn flour.
10. We use corn flour to get the thickness to the soup .

Nutritional values : Vegetables contains vitamins and minerals. It is good to have green, orange and yellow coloured vegetables daily in your diet.


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