Coconut and mango chutney

  • Coconut - Half coconut
  • Mango - small one
  • Turmeric
  • Salt as per taste
  • Seasoning-
  1. Urad dal
  2. Chana dal
  3. Mustard seeds
  4. Cumin seeds
  5. Dry red chilli-3
  6. Asoefitida -a pinch
Method of preparation:
 Cut coconut and mango into small pieces, then make seasoning and put the cut pieces, salt and seasoning into mixi grinder and make it coarsely. If mango is not sour you can add little tamarind for taste.

Nutritional value: Contains fibre, VitC, Vit A, antioxidants in Mango.
Coconut contains dietary fibre, iron and other vitamins.


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