Gajar halwa

Ingredients :
  • Red carrot-1/2kg
  • Sugar-200gms
  • Sugar less kova-100gms
  • Ghee- 150ml
  • Cashew nuts-50gms
  • Kismiss-30gms
  • Milk-1cup
  • Cardamom-3
 Method of preparation:
1. Take red carrot and clean it with water and peel off the skin.
2. And grate it and fry it in ghee in a frying bowl  for 5 mins.
3. Then add milk to it and let it cook till you feel it is fully cooked.
4.  Add sugar to it and add cardamom powder to that mixture.
5.  Later add kova to that and keep it on stove for few seconds and garnish with fried cashew nuts and kismiss.
Nutritional values of red carrot:
  It will reduce the risk of macular degeneration,, helps prevent heart disease and a wide variety of cancers  including prostate cancer.


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