Ash gourd halwa

Ingredients :
Ash gourd - 1 Glass grated
Sugar. - 1 Glass
Cardamom powder - 1 Teaspoon
Ghee -  1 Tablespoon
Cashew nut  and kismiss

Method of preparation :
1. Clean the ash gourd with water and peel the skin of ash gourd.
2.  Grate the ash gourd .
3.  Put a pan on the stove and add little ghee and add the grated ash gourd and let it get cooked till water evaporates.
4. Add sugar and cardamom powder too.
5. Let it become thick as a halwa.
6. For the colour of halwa you can add saffron soaked in water to it.
7. Fry cashew nut and kismiss in ghee and add it to the halwa.

Nutritional values :  Ash gourd helps in keeping stomach free of ulcers and intestinal parasites, aids in weight loss, beneficial for hair, contains vit B and C.


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