Aakakarakaya ( Teisel gourd) ullikaram curry

Ingredients :
  Aakakarakaya (Teisel gourd)  - 200 gms
  Onions - 3
  Dry red chillies - 3
  Salt as per taste
  Jeera - 2 Teaspoons
  Oil for frying
  Turmeric powder  one pinch
  Curry leaves -  Few leaves
  Coriander leaves  - small bunch

Method of preparation :
1. Clean the veg with water and cut into circles.
2. And boil them with water till is cooked.
3. Meanwhile grind onions, dry red chillies, curry leaves and jeera  in a mixi jar.
4. Put a pan and add little oil and add the vegetable into it , then add the gravy , salt , turmeric powder into it till it is cooked well.
5. Lastly add coriander leaves to the curry.

Nutritional values : Teisel gourd contains fibre and anti-oxidants and very useful for easy digestion. It contains lutein which prevent various eye diseases, cardio vascular diseases and cancer. And it helps in controllling diabetes, seasonal cough, cold and other allergies .


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