Coconut ( kobbari ) payasam

Ingredients :
Coconut  - 1/2 piece of the coconut
Jaggery - 1 Glass
Cardamom powder one teaspoon
 Raw Rice -  1/2 Glass
Water - 2 Glasses
Cashew nuts , kismiss one Tablespoon each
Saffron  - 2 strands
Method of preparation :
 1 Cut the coconut into pieces.
2. Soak rice in water for few hours.
3. Grind the rice and coconut pieces into a fine paste.
4. Put a steel bowl on the stove and add water to it , let it boil for few minse .
5. Add the paste to the water and stir it continuously.
6.  Add cardamom powder ,saffron to the payasam
7. Mix jaggery too and stir it well.
8. Till it become semi solid put on the stove, later take out from the stove and add dry fruits fried in the ghee.
9. Serve it hot.
Nutritional value : Coconut contains fibre , contains healthy fats, protein, sand various vitamins and minerals.
Jaggery acts as a detox,  contains antioxidants and minerals like zinc and selenium, it builds strong immunity.


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