Sorakaya (bottle gourd ) halwa

Ingredients  :
 Bottle gourd -  One small  sized
 Sugar  - 1 Glass
 Kova - 150 gms
 Ghee - 1 Tablespoon
 Cashew nuts and kismiss
 Milk - 1Glass
 Cardamom powder to enhance the flavour of the sweet

Method of preparation :
 1.  Clean the bottle gourd with water and peel off the skin and grate it .
 2. Add ghee to the pan and then add grated bottle gourd and let it cook for few mins.
3. Then add sugar , milk  and cook it till it become semi solid  , then add cardamom powder and kova ,   Cook for few secs, fry cashew and kismiss in little ghee , and add into the halwa.

Nutritional values of Bottle gourd  : Promotes weight loss good for liver and heart , has cooling effect, treats urinary problems , replenishes loss of water content in the body.



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